大脳白質解剖入門(An Introduction of Fiber Dissection)

出版社: メディカ出版
発行日: 2019-02-27
分野: 臨床医学:外科  >  脳神経外科学
ISBN: 9784840464925
電子書籍版: 2019-03-15 (電子書籍版)

15,400 円(税込)


15,400 円(税込)




  • 【第1章 大脳白質解剖概論】

    【第2章 大脳白質解剖の歴史と伝導路追跡法の発達】

    【第3章 大脳白質解剖に必要な基礎知識】

    【第4章 大脳白質のtractography】

    【第5章 大脳白質解剖基本編】
    (1) Klingler法にて前処理した脳標本を用いた白質解剖の準備と基本手技
    (2) 脳表解剖(脳回・脳溝)
    (3) 大脳半球外側面からの白質fiber dissection technique ーLateral approach
    (4) 大脳半球内側面からの白質fiber dissection technique ーMedial approach

    【第6章 大脳白質解剖応用編】

    【第7章 大脳の機能解剖に基づく手術】
    (1) 言語のネットワークと覚醒下手術
    (2) 空間認知のネットワークと覚醒下手術
    (3) 側頭葉内側構造の解剖と手術




第1章 大脳白質解剖概論

P.10 掲載の参考文献
1) Dronkers NF, Plaisant O, Iba-Zizen MT, et al : Paul Broca's historic cases : high resolution MR imaging of the brains of Leborgne and Lelong. Brain 130 (Pt 5) : 1432-41, 2007
3) Catani M, ffytche DH : The rises and falls of disconnection syndromes. Brain 128 (Pt 10) : 2224-39, 2005
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5) セバスチャン・スン著, 青木薫訳 : コネクトーム : 脳の配線はどのように「わたし」をつくり出すのか. 草思社, 東京, 2015
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第2章 大脳白質解剖の歴史と伝導路追跡法の発達

P.19 掲載の参考文献
1) Flechsig P : Anatomie des menschlichen Gehirns und Ruckenmarks auf myelogenetischer Grundlage. Thieme, Leipzig, 1920
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第3章 大脳白質解剖に必要な基礎知識

P.38 掲載の参考文献
1) Holmes CJ, Hoge R, Collins L, et al : Enhancement of MR images using registration for signal averaging. J Comput Assist Tomogr 22 : 324-33, 1988
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8) Catani M, Thiebaut de Schotten M : Atlas of Human Brain Connections. London : Oxford University Press, 2012
9) Wu Y, Sun D, Wang Y, et al : Segmentation of the Cingulum Bundle in the Human Brain : A New Perspective Based on DSI Tractography and Fiber Dissection Study. Front Neuroanat 10 : 84, 2016
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18) Catani M, Dell'acqua F, Vergani F, et al : Short frontal lobe connections of the human brain. Cortex 48 : 273-91, 2012

第4章 大脳白質のtractography

P.50 掲載の参考文献

第5章 大脳白質解剖基本編

P.58 掲載の参考文献
1) Klingler J : Erleichterung der makroskopischen Praeparation des Gehirns durch den Gefrierprozess. Schweiz Arch Neurol Psychiatr 36 : 247-56, 1935
2) Ludwig E Klinger J : Atlas Cerebri Humani. Basel, S. Karger, 1956
3) Agrawal A, Kapfhammer JP, Kress A, et al : Josef Klingler's model of white matter tracts : Influences on neuroanatomy, neurosurgery, and neuroimaging. Neurosurgery 69 : 238-54, 2011
4) De Benedictis A, Duffau H, Paradiso B, et al : Anatomofunctional study of the temporo-parieto-occipital region : dissection, tractographic and brain mapping evidence from a neurosurgical perspective. J Anat 225 : 132-51, 2014
5) Ture U, Yasargil MG, Friedman A, et al. Fiber dissection technique : Lateral aspect of the brain. Neurosurgery 47 : 417-27, 2000
6) Yasargil MG, Ture U, Yasargil DC : Surgical anatomy of supratentorial midline lesions. Neurosurg Focus 18 : E1, 2005
P.75 掲載の参考文献
1) Michael Petrides : The Human Cerebral Cortex, An MRI Atlas of the Sulci and Gyri in MNI Stereotaxic Space. Academic Press, Boston, 2011
3) Ture U, Yasargil MG, Friedman AH, et al : Fiber dissection technique : lateral aspect of the brain. Neurosurgery 47 : 417-26, 2000
4) Duvernoy H, Cattin F, Risold P-Y : The Human Hippocampus : Functional Anatomy, Vascularization and Serial Sections with MRI, 4rth ed. Springer, 2013
5) M Ono, S Kubik, C Abernathy : Atlas of the Cerebral Sulci. George Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, New York, 1990
P.96 掲載の参考文献
1) Ture A, Yasargil MG, Friedman AH, et al : Fiber dissection technique : Lateral aspect of the brain. Neurosurgery 47 : 417-27, 2000
2) Ture A, Yasargil MG, Pait TG : Is there a superior occipitofrontal fasciculus? A microsurgical anatomic study. Neurosurgery 40 : 1226-32, 1997
7) Maldonado IL, Mandonnet E, Duffau H : Dorsal frontoparietal connections of the human brain : A fiber dissection study of their composition and anatomical relationships. Anat Rec (Hoboken) 295 : 187-95, 2012
8) Von Der Heide RJ, Skipper LM, Klobusicky E, et al : Dissecting the uncinate fasciculus : disorders, controversies and a hypothesis. Brain 136 : 1692-707, 2013
11) Peltier J, Verclytte S, Delmaire C, et al : Micosurgical anatomy of the anterior commissure : correlations with diffusion tensor imaging fiber tracking and clinical relevance. Neurosurgery 69 (ONS Suppl 2) : ons 241-7, 2011
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13) Mandelstam SA : Challenges of the anatomy and diffusion tensor tractography of the Meyer loop. AJNS Am J Neuroradiol 33 : 1204-10, 2012
14) Sincoff EH, Tan Y, Abdulrauf Sl : White matter fiber dissection of the optic radiations of the temporal lobe and implications for surgical approaches to the temporal horn. J Neurosurg 101 : 739-46, 2014
P.114 掲載の参考文献
1) Yasargil MG, Ture U, Yasargil DC : Surgical anatomy of supratentorial midline lesions. Neurosurg Focus 18 : E1, 2015
4) Wu Y, Sun D, Wang Y, et al : Segmentation of the cingulum bundle in the human brain : A new perspective based on DSI tractography and fiber dissection study. Front Neuroanat 10 : 84, 2016
5) Witelson SF : Hand and sex differences in the isthmus and genu of the human corpus callosum. A postmortem morphological study. Brain 112 : 799-835, 1989
7) Goga C, Ture U : The anatomy of Meyer's loop revisited : changing the anatomical paradigm of the temporal loop based on evidence from fiber microdissection. J Neurosurg 122 : 1253-62, 2015

第6章 大脳白質解剖応用編

P.123 掲載の参考文献

第7章 大脳の機能解剖に基づく手術

P.145 掲載の参考文献
1) Guideline Committees of The Japan Awake Surgery Conference : The guidelines for awake craniotomy. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 52 : 119-41, 2012
2) Catani M, Thiebaut de Schotten M : Atlas of Human Brain Connections. Oxford University Press, London, pp55-72, 2012
3) Fernandez CA, Moritz-Gasser S, Martino J, et al : Selection of intraoperative tasks for awake mapping based on relationships between tumor location and functional networks. J Neurosurg 119 : 1380-94, 2013
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9) 藤井正純, 前澤聡, 岩味健一郎, 他 : 大脳白質解剖と言語. 脳外誌 25 : 396-401, 2016
P.158 掲載の参考文献
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16) Herbet G, Yordanova YN, Duffau H : Left Spatial Neglect Evoked by Electrostimulation of the Right Inferior Frontooccipital Fasciculus. Brain Topogr 30 : 747-56, 2017
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P.172 掲載の参考文献
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