NASH・NAFLDの診療ガイド 2021

出版社: 文光堂
発行日: 2021-03-16
分野: 臨床医学:内科  >  肝/胆/膵
ISBN: 9784830621109
電子書籍版: 2021-03-16 (第1版第2刷)

1,650 円(税込)


1,650 円(税込)




  • 第1章 NAFLDの定義と分類

    第2章 NAFLDの疫学
      1 有病率と性別・年齢・地域との関連
      2 有病率とBMIとの関連
      3 線維化への進展
     [memo]B, C型慢性肝炎治療後の脂肪肝

    第3章 NAFLDの病因・病態
      1 肥満
      2 インスリン抵抗性
      1 遺伝的素因
       1)PNPLA3 遺伝子
      2 脂肪肝形成にかかわる脂質代謝
     [memo]adenosine monophosphate(AMP)activated protein kinase(AMPK)
      1 酸化ストレス
      2 脂肪毒性
      3 腸内細菌叢の変化と自然免疫系
      4 NAFLD病態形成に関与するその他の要因

    第4章 NAFLDの検査所見
      1 腹部エコー検査
      2 VCTE
      3 MR spectroscopy(MRS)
      1 肝線維化マーカー
      2 スコアリングシステム

    第5章 NAFLDの病理所見
      1 ballooningの評価
      2 マロリー・デンク体の評価
      3 脂肪化の評価
      4 線維化の評価

    第6章 NAFLDの治療
      1 糖尿病治療薬
       3)GLP-1 受容体作動薬
      2 脂質異常症治療薬
      3 降圧薬
      4 抗酸化療法
      5 肝臓用薬
      6 現在開発中の薬剤
      1 腹腔鏡下スリーブ状胃切除術,腹腔鏡下胃バイパス術
      2 肝移植

    第7章 NAFLDの予後




第1章 NAFLDの定義と分類

P.5 掲載の参考文献
1) Chalasani N, Younossi Z, Lavine JE, et al. The diagnosis and management of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease : Practice guidance from the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Hepatology 2018 ; 67 : 328-357.
2) European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL), European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO). EASL-EASD-EASO Clinical Practice Guidelines for the management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. J Hepatol 2016 ; 64 : 1388-1402.
3) 日本消化器病学会, 日本肝臓学会 (編). NAFLD/NASH診療ガイドライン 2020 (改訂第2版), 南江堂, 2020.
4) Wieckowska A, Feldstein AE. Diagnosis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease : invasive versus noninvasive. Semin Liver Dis 2008 ; 28 : 386-395.
5) 角田圭雄, 瀬古裕也, 伊藤義人. VII. 治療の実際 : 専門医への紹介のポイント. 日内会誌 2016 ; 105 : 56-61.
6) Hagstrom H, Nasr P, Ekstedt M, et al. Fibrosis stage but not NASH predicts mortality and time to development of severe liver disease in biopsy-proven NAFLD. J Hepatol 2017 ; 67 : 1265-1273.
7) Lonardo A, Nascimbeni F, Mantovani A, et al. Hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis and NASH : Cause or consequence? J Hepatol 2018 ; 68 : 335-352.
8) Angulo P, Kleiner DE, Dam-Larsen S, et al. Liver fibrosis, but no other histologic features, is associated with long-term outcomes of patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Gastroenterology 2015 ; 149 : 389-397.e10.
9) Imajo K, Kessoku T, Honda Y, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging more accurately classifies steatosis and fibrosis in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease than transient elastography. Gastroenterology 2016 ; 150 : 626-637.e7.

第2章 NAFLDの疫学

P.12 掲載の参考文献
1) Hamaguchi M, Kojima T, Takeda N, et al. The metabolic syndrome as a predictor of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Ann Intern Med 2005 ; 143 : 722-728.
2) Eguchi Y, Hyogo H, Ono M, et al. Prevalence and associated metabolic factors of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in the general population from 2009 to 2010 in Japan : a multicenter large retrospective study. J Gastroenterol 2012 ; 47 : 586-595.
3) Younossi ZM, Koenig AB, Abdelatif D, et al. Global epidemiology of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease-Meta-analytic assessment of prevalence, incidence, and outcomes. Hepatology 2016 ; 64 : 73-84.
4) Hamaguchi M, Takeda N, Kojima T, et al. Identification of individuals with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by the diagnostic criteria for the metabolic syndrome. World J Gastroenterol 2012 ; 18 : 1508-1516.
5) Sinn DH, Kang D, Jang HR, et al. Development of chronic kidney disease in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease : A cohort study. J Hepatol 2017 ; 67 : 1274-1280.
6) Li L, You W, Ren W. The ZJU index is a powerful index for identifying NAFLD in the general Chinese population. Acta Diabetol 2017 ; 54 : 905-911.
7) Weston SR, Leyden W, Murphy R, et al. Racial and ethnic distribution of nonalcoholic fatty liver in persons with newly diagnosed chronic liver disease. Hepatology 2005 ; 41 : 372-379.
8) Nishioji K, Sumida Y, Kamaguchi M, et al. Prevalence of and risk factors for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in a non-obese Japanese population, 2011-2012. J Gastroenterol 2015 ; 50 : 95-108.
9) Hashimoto E, Tokushige K. Prevalence, gender, ethnic variations, and prognosis of NASH. J Gastroenterol 2011 ; 46 : 63-69.
10) Estes C, Anstee QM, Arias-Loste MT, et al. Modeling NAFLD disease burden in China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, United Kingdom, and United States for the period 2016-2030. J Hepatol 2018 ; 69 : 896-904.
11) Nakahara T, Hyogo H, Yoneda M et al. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with the fibrosis severity in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in a large retrospective cohort of Japanese patients. J Gastroenterol 2014 ; 49 : 1477-1484.
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13) Fan JG, Kim SU, Wong VW. New trends on obesity and NAFLD in Asia. J Hepatol 2017 ; 67 : 862-873.
14) Wong VW, Wong GL, Chan RS, et al. Beneficial effects of lifestyle intervention in non-obese patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. J Hepatol 2018 ; 69 : 1349-1356.
15) Tsuruta G, Tanaka N, Hongo M, et al. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in Japanese junior high school students : its prevalence and relationship to lifestyle habits. J Gastroenterol 2010 ; 45 : 666-672.
16) Peleg N, Issachar A, Sneh Arbib O, et al. Liver steatosis is a major predictor of poor outcomes in chronic hepatitis C patients with sustained virological response. J Viral Hepat 2019 ; 26 : 1257-1265.
17) Chalasani N, Younossi Z, Lavine JE, et al. The diagnosis and management of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease : Practice guidance from the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Hepatology 2018 ; 67 : 328-357.

第3章 NAFLDの病因・病態

P.24 掲載の参考文献
1) 日本消化器病学会, 日本肝臓学会 (編). NAFLD/NASH診療ガイドライン 2020 (改訂第2版), 南江堂, 2020.
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8) Tilg H, Moschen AR. Evolution of inflammation in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease : the multiple parallel hits hypothesis. Hepatology 2010 ; 52 : 1836-1846.
9) Romeo S, Kozlitina J, Xing C, et al. Genetic variation in PNPLA3 confers susceptibility to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Nat Genet 2008 ; 40 : 1461-1465.
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12) Fan JG, Kim SU, Wong VW. New trends on obesity and NAFLD in Asia. J Hepatol 2017 ; 67 : 862-873.
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14) Dongiovanni P, Petta S, Maglio C, et al. Transmembrane 6 superfamily member 2 gene variant disentangles nonalcoholic steatohepatitis from cardiovascular disease. Hepatology 2015 ; 61 : 506-514.
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24) Peleg N, Issachar A, Sneh Arbib O, et al. Liver steatosis is a major predictor of poor outcomes in chronic hepatitis C patients with sustained virological response. J Viral Hepat 2019 ; 26 : 1257-1265.
25) Meissner EG, Lee YJ, Osinusi A, et al. Effect of sofosbuvir and ribavirin treatment on peripheral and hepatic lipid metabolism in chronic hepatitis C virus, genotype 1-infected patients. Hepatology 2015 ; 61 : 790-801.

第4章 NAFLDの検査所見

P.30 掲載の参考文献
1) Chalasani N, Younossi Z, Lavine JE, et al. The diagnosis and management of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease : Practice guidance from the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Hepatology 2018 ; 67 : 328-357.
2) European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL), European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO). EASL-EASD-EASO Clinical Practice Guidelines for the management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. J Hepatol 2016 ; 64 : 1388-1402.
3) 日本消化器病学会, 日本肝臓学会 (編). NAFLD/NASH診療ガイドライン 2020 (改訂第2版), 南江堂, 2020.
4) 日本肝臓学会 (編). NASH・NAFLDの診療ガイド 2015, 文光堂, 2015.
5) Karlas T, Petroff D, Sasso M, et al. Individual patient data meta-analysis of controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) technology for assessing steatosis. J Hepatol 2017 ; 66 : 1022-1030.
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7) Bannas P, Kramer H, Hernando D, et al. Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging of hepatic steatosis : Validation in ex vivo human livers. Hepatology 2015 ; 62 : 1444-1455.
8) Abe M, Miyake T, Kuno A, et al. Association between Wisteria floribunda agglutinin-positive Mac-2 binding protein and the fibrosis stage of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. J Gastroenterol 2015 ; 50 : 776-784.
9) Fujimori N, Umemura T, Kimura T, et al. Serum autotaxin levels are correlated with hepatic fibrosis and ballooning in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. World J Gastroenterol 2018 ; 24 : 1239-1249.
10) Xiao G, Zhu S, Xiao X, et al. Comparison of laboratory tests, ultrasound, or magnetic resonance elastography to detect fibrosis in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease : A meta-analysis. Hepatology 2017 ; 66 : 1486-1501.
11) Sumida Y, Yoneda M, Hyogo H, et al. Validation of the FIB4 index in a Japanese nonalcoholic fatty liver disease population. BMC Gastroenterol 2012 ; 12 : 2.
12) Ishiba H, Sumida Y, Tanaka S, et al. The novel cutoff points for the FIB4 index categorized by age increase the diagnostic accuracy in NAFLD : a multi-center study. J Gastroenterol 2018 ; 53 : 1216-1224.
13) McPherson S, Hardy T, Dufour JF, et al. Age as a confounding factor for the accurate non-invasive diagnosis of advanced NAFLD fibrosis. Am J Gastroenterol 2017 ; 112 : 740-751.
14) Kim GA, Lee HC, Choe J, et al. Association between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and cancer incidence rate. J Hepatol 2018 ; 68 : 140-146.
15) Cassinotto C, Boursier J, de Ledinghen V, et al. Liver stiffness in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease : A comparison of supersonic shear imaging, FibroScan, and ARFI with liver biopsy. Hepatology 2016 ; 63 : 1817-1827.
16) Xiao G, Zhu S, Xiao X, et al. Comparison of laboratory tests, ultrasound, or magnetic resonance elastography to detect fibrosis in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease : A meta-analysis. Hepatology 2017 ; 66 : 1486-1501.
17) Hsu C, Caussy C, Imajo K, et al. Magnetic resonance vs transient elastography analysis of patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease : A systematic review and pooled analysis of individual participants. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2019 ; 17 : 630-637.e8.
18) Wong VW, Chan WK, Chitturi S, et al. Asia-Pacific Working Party on Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease guidelines 2017-Part 1 : Definition, risk factors and assessment. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2018 ; 33 : 70-85.

第5章 NAFLDの病理所見

P.40 掲載の参考文献
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24) 日本消化器病学会, 日本肝臓学会 (編). NAFLD/NASH診療ガイドライン 2020 (改訂第2版), 南江堂, 2020.

第6章 NAFLDの治療

P.51 掲載の参考文献
1) 日本消化器病学会, 日本肝臓学会 (編). NAFLD/NASH診療ガイドライン 2020 (改訂第2版), 南江堂, 2020.
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第7章 NAFLDの予後

P.57 掲載の参考文献
1) Ekstedt M, Hagstrom H, Nasr P, et al. Fibrosis stage is the strongest predictor for disease-specific mortality in NAFLD after up to 33 years of follow-up. Hepatology 2015 ; 61 : 1547-1554.
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3) Hagstrom H, Nasr P, Ekstedt M, et al. Fibrosis stage but not NASH predicts mortality and time to development of severe liver disease in biopsy-proven NAFLD. J Hepatol 2017 ; 67 : 1265-1273.
4) Eguchi Y, Hyogo H, Ono M, et al. Prevalence and associated metabolic factors of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in the general population from 2009 to 2010 in Japan : a multicenter large retrospective study. J Gastroenterol 2012 ; 47 : 586-595.
5) Estes C, Anstee QM, Arias-Loste MT, et al. Modeling NAFLD disease burden in China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, United Kingdom, and United States for the period 2016-2030. J Hepatol 2018 ; 69 : 896-904.
6) Vilar-Gomez E, Calzadilla-Bertot L, Wai-Sun Wong V, et al. Fibrosis severity as a determinant of cause-specific mortality in patients with advanced nonalcoholic fatty liver disease : A multi-national cohort study. Gastroenterology 2018 ; 155 : 443-457.e17.
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8) Kim GA, Lee HC, Choe J, et al. Association between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and cancer incidence rate. J Hepatol 2018 ; 68 : 140-146.
9) McPherson S, Hardy T, Henderson E, et al. Evidence of NAFLD progression from steatosis to fibrosing-steatohepatitis using paired biopsies : implications for prognosis and clinical management. J Hepatol 2015 ; 62 : 1148-1155.
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16) Tokushige K, Hyogo H, Nakajima T, et al. Hepatocellular carcinoma in Japanese patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and alcoholic liver disease : multicenter survey. J Gastroenterol 2016 ; 51 : 586-596.
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