Japanese Classification of Esophageal Cancer 食道癌取扱い規約(英語版) 第2版

出版社: 金原出版
発行日: 2008-06-27
分野: 臨床医学:一般  >  癌/腫瘍一般
ISBN: 9784307202435
シリーズ: がん取扱い規約

4,510 円(税込)




  • Japanese Classification of Esophageal Cancer 
    食道癌取扱い規約(英語版) 第2版


    Part I General Rules
     1. Purpose, Object, and Methods of Descriptions
     2. Clinical Aspects
     3. Surgical Aspects
     4. Pathological Findings
     5. Endoscopic Treatment
     6. Barrett Esophagus and Adenocarcinoma in
       Barrett Esophagus
     7. Treatment
     8. Results of Treatment
    Part II Explanations
       2.1.2. Tumor Location
       2.1.3. Macroscopic Tumor Type
      2.2. Metastatic Lesions from Esophageal Cancer
       2.2.1. Lymph Node Metastasis
      2.4. Multiple Primary Cancers
       3.4.3. Lymph Node Dissection
      3.7. Curativity (Cur)
       4.2.1. Histological Classification
       4.2.2. Depth of Tumor Invasion (pT)
       4.2.9. Pathological Criteria for the Effects of
           Radiation and/or Chemotherapy
      4.3. Lymph Node Metastasis (pN)
      5.5. Curativity (Cur)
     6. Barrett Esophagus, and Adenocarcinoma in
       Barrett Esophagus
      6.1.4. Barrett esophagus
      6.1.5. Adenocarcinoma in Barrett Esophagus
     8.8. Long-term Outcomes and Prognosis,
         especially Survival Rate
      8.8.1. Analysis of Survival Rates
    Part III Response Evaluation Criteria in Radiotherapy and
         Chemotherapy for Esophageal Cancer Introduction
     1. Subjects
     2. Methods for Response Evaluation
     3. Response Evaluation Criteria for Target Lesions
     4. Response Evaluation Criteria for Non-target Lesion
     5. Response Evaluation Criteria for
       Primary Lesion using Endoscopy
     6. Overall Response
     7. Best Overall Response and Confirmation

