
出版社: 医学図書出版
発行日: 2013-07-25
分野: 臨床医学:外科  >  消化器外科学
ISBN: 9784865170207
電子書籍版: 2013-07-25 (第1版第1刷)

4,950 円(税込)


2,475 円(税込)




  • 消化器ダヴィンチ手術のすべて


    総論 ロボット支援手術の歴史と現状

    各論I. 食道

    各論II. 胃

    各論III. 大腸
       hybrid operationによる完全鏡視下直腸低位前方切除術

    各論IV. 肝胆膵
     5.Artery-first approachによるロボット支援膵体尾部切除術

    各論V. 麻酔




総論 ロボット支援手術の歴史と現状

P.11 掲載の参考文献
1) Lanfranco AR, Castellanos AE, Desai JP, et al : Robotic surgery : a current perspective. Ann Surg 2004 ; 239 : 14-21.
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8) Marano A, Hyung WJ : Robotic gastrectomy : the current state of the art. J Gastric Cancer 2012 ; 12 : 63-72.
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11) Baek SJ, Lee DW, Park SS, et al : Current status of robot-assisted gastric surgery. World J Gastrointest Oncol 2011 ; 3 : 137-143.
12) Baik SH : Robotic colorectal surgery. Yonsei Med J 2008 ; 49 : 891-896.
13) Baik SH, Kwon HY, Kim JS, et al : Robotic versus laparoscopic low anterior resection of rectal cancer : short-term outcome of a prospective comparative study. Ann Surg Oncol 2009 ; 16 : 1480-1487.
P.15 掲載の参考文献
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3) Suda K, Ishida Y, Kawamura Y, et al : Robotic-assisted thoracoscopic lymphadenectomy along the left recurrence nerve for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in the prone position ; technical report and short-term outcomes. World J Surg 2012 ; 36 : 1608-1616.
4) 稲葉一樹, 須田康一, 吉村文博, ほか : 本邦の消化器外科領域ロボット手術の現状. 小切開鏡視外会誌 2012 ; 3 : 59-64.
5) Song J, Oh SJ, Kang WH, et al : Robot-assisted gastrectomy with lymph node dissection gor gastric cancer : lessons learned from an initial 100 consecutive procedures. Ann Surg 2009 ; 249 : 927-932.
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7) 杉岡篤, 加藤悠太郎, 所隆昌, ほか : ロボット支援下肝切除の現況と展望. 手術 2012 ; 66 : 1681-1688.
P.27 掲載の参考文献
1) 鳥取大学医学部附属病院低侵襲外科センター編 : ロボット手術マニュアル-da Vinci手術を始めるときに読む本. 2012.

各論 I. 食道

P.37 掲載の参考文献
1) 石川健, 須田康一, 谷口桂三, ほか : 腹腔鏡補助下経裂孔的食道切除術~縦隔鏡併用coring out法~stripping法と比較して. 手術 2013, in press.
2) 金谷誠一郎, 谷口桂三, 礒垣淳, ほか : 気胸併用腹臥位手術のコツと有用性. 手術 2011 ; 65 : 1597-1602.
3) 宇山一朗, 金谷誠一郎, 石田善敬, ほか : ロボット手術におけるエネルギーデバイスの使用方法のこつ. 消外 2012 ; 35 : 465-471.
4) Koichi Suda, Yoshinori Ishida, Yuichiro Kawamura, et al : Robot-assisted thoracoscopic lymphadenectomy along the left recurrent laryngeal nerve for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in the prone position : technical report and short-term outcomes. World J Surg 2012 ; 36 : 1608-1616.
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P.48 掲載の参考文献
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7) 須田康一, 吉村文博, 谷口桂三, ほか : 消化器外科領域におけるロボット支援手術の現状と未来. Pharma Medica 2012 ; 30 : 25-28.
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13) 石田善敬, 宇山一朗, 金谷誠一郎, ほか : da Vinci Surgical Systemを用いた食道癌に対するロボット手術の経験. 手術 2011 ; 65 : 73-76.
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15) 能城浩和, 中村洵, 池田貯 : 腹臥位胸腔鏡下食道切除術の利点と問題点. 手術 2011 ; 65 : 1603-1608.
P.55 掲載の参考文献
1) Puntambekar SP, Kumthekar P, Agarwal-Joshi G, et al : Robotic transthoracic esophagectomy in the prone position : Experience with 32 patients with esophageal cancer. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2011 ; 23 : e22-23.
2) Dapri G, Himpens J, Cadiere GB : Robot-assisted thoracoscopic esophagectomy with the patient in the prone position. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A 2006 ; 16 : 278-285.
3) Cerfolio RJ, Bryant AS, Hawn MT : Technical aspects and early results of robotic esophagectomy with chest anastomosis. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2013 ; 145 : 90-96.
4) Dunn DH, Johnson EM, Morphew JA, et al : Robot-assisted transhiatal esophagectomy : a 3-year singlecenter experience. Dis Esophagus 2013 ; 26 : 159-166.
5) Galvani CA, Gorodner MV, Moser F, et al : Robotically assisted laparoscopic transhiatal esophagectomy. Surg Endosc 2008 ; 22 : 188-195.
6) Kim DJ, Hyung WJ, Lee CY, et al : Thoracoscopic esophagectomy for esophageal cancer : Feasibility and safety of robotic assistance in the prone position. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2010 ; 139 : 53-59.e1

各論 II. 胃

P.75 掲載の参考文献
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12) Xiong B, Ma L, Zhang C : Robotic versus laparoscopic gastrectomy for gastric cancer : a meta-analysis of short outcomes. Surg Oncol 2012 ; 21 : 274-280.
13) Song J, Oh SJ, Kang WH, et al : Robot-assisted gastrectomy with lymph node dissection for gastric cancer : lessons learned from an initial 100 consecutive procedures. Ann Surg 2009 ; 249 : 927-932.
14) Kim MC, Heo GU, Jung GJ : Robotic gastrectomy for gastric cancer : surgical techniques and clinical merits. Surg Endosc 2010 ; 24 : 610-615.
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17) Yoon HM, Kim YW, Lee JH, et al : Robot-assisted total gastrectomy is comparable with laparoscopically assisted total gastrectomy for early gastric cancer. Surg Endosc 2012 ; 26 : 1377-1381.
18) Hyun MH, Lee CH, Kwon YJ, et al : Robot Versus Laparoscopic Gastrectomy for Cancer by an Experienced Surgeon : Comparisons of Surgery, Complications, and Surgical Stress. Ann Surg Oncol 2012 Oct 19. (Epub ahead of print)
19) Park SS, Kim MC, Park MS, et al : Rapid adaptation of robotic gastrectomy for gastric cancer by experienced laparoscopic surgeons. Surg Endosc 2012 ; 26 : 60-67.
20) Huang KH, Lan YT, Fang WL, et al : Initial experience of robotic gastrectomy and comparison with open and laparoscopic gastrectomy for gastric cancer. J Gastrointest Surg 2012 ; 16 : 1303-1310.
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22) 佐藤誠二, 金谷誠一郎, 谷口桂三, ほか : 「神経前面の層」から考える胃癌の腹腔鏡下胃切除. 手術 2011 ; 65 : 1731-1737.
23) Uyama I, Kanaya S, Ishida Y, et al : Novel integrated robotic approach for suprapancreatic D2 nodal dissection for treating gastric cancer : technique and initial experience. World J Surg 2012 ; 36 : 331-337.
24) 佐藤誠二, 金谷誠一郎, 石田善敬, ほか : 胃癌に対するロボット手術の現状. 胃がんperspective 2011 ; 4 : 82-91.
P.90 掲載の参考文献
1) Song J, Kang WH, Oh S, et al : Role of robotic gastrectomy using da Vinci system compared with laparoscopic gastrectomy : Initial experience of 20 consecutive cases. Surg Endosc 2009 ; 23 : 1204-1211.
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3) 能城浩和, 浦田雅子, 池田貯, ほか : 手術支援ロボットda Vinci Sを用いた胃癌手術の現況と展望. 手術 2012 ; 66 : 1675-1679.
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9) Marano A, Hyung WJ : Robotic Gastrectomy : The Current State of the Art. J Gastric Cancer 2012 ; 12 : 63-72.
10) Xiong B, Mac L, Zhang C : Robotic versus laparoscopic gastrectomy for gastric cancer : A meta-analysis of short outcomes. Surgical Oncology 2012 ; 21 : 274-280.
11) Uyama I, Kanaya S, Ishida Y, et al : Novel Integrated Robotic Approach for Suprapancreatic D2 Nodal Dissection for Treating Gastric Cancer : Technique and Initial Experience. World J Surg 2012 ; 36 : 331-337.
P.108 掲載の参考文献
1) Marano A, Hyung WJ : Robotic gastrectomy : The current state of the art. J Gastric Cancer 2012 ; 12 : 63-72.
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4) Okabe H, Obama K, Kan T, et al : Medial approach for laparoscopic total gastrectomy with splenic lymph node dissection. J Am Coll Surg 2010 ; 211 : e1-6.
5) 岡部寛, 小濱和貴, 田中英治, ほか : 腹腔鏡下胃全摘術におけるリンパ節郭清-内側アプローチ-. 手術 2010 ; 64 : 1917-1924.
6) Okabe H, Obama K, Tanaka E, et al : Intracorporeal esophagojejunal anastomosis after laparoscopic total gastrectomy for patients with gastric cancer. Surg Endosc 2009 ; 23 : 2167-2171.
7) Kim MC, Heo GU, Jung GJ : Robotic gastrectomy for gastric cancer : Surgical techniques and clinical merits. Surg Endosc 2010 ; 24 : 610-615.
8) Uyama I, Kanaya S, Ishida Y, et al : Novel integrated robotic approach for suprapancreatic d2 nodal dissection for treating gastric cancer : Technique and initial experience. World J Surg 2012 ; 36 : 331-337.
9) Song J, Kang WH, Oh SJ, et al : Role of robotic gastrectomy using da vinci system compared with laparoscopic gastrectomy : Initial experience of 20 consecutive cases. Surg Endosc 2009 ; 23 : 1204-1211.
10) Patriti A, Ceccarelli G, Bellochi R, et al : Robot-assisted laparoscopic total and partial gastric resection with d2 lymph node dissection for adenocarcinoma. Surg Endosc 2008 ; 22 : 2753-2760.
11) Song J, Oh SJ, Kang WH, et al : Robot-assisted gastrectomy with lymph node dissection for gastric cancer : Lessons learned from an initial 100 consecutive procedures. Ann Surg 2009 ; 249 : 927-932.
12) Kim KM, An JY, Kim HI, et al : Major early complications following open, laparoscopic and robotic gastrectomy. Br J Surg 2012 ; 99 : 1681-1687.

各論 III. 大腸

P.128 掲載の参考文献
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11) Kim J Y, Kim NK, Lee KY, et al : A Comparative Study of Voiding and Sexual Function after Total Mesorectal Excision with Autonomic Nerve Preservation for Rectal Cancer : Laparoscopic Versus Robotic Surgery. Ann Surg Oncol 2012 ; 19 : 2485-2493.
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P.142 掲載の参考文献
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8) Park JS, Choi GS, Lim KH, et al : Robotic-assisted versus laparoscopic surgery for low rectal cancer : case-matched analysis of short-term outcomes. Ann Surg Oncol 2010 ; 17 : 3195-202.
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13) Patriti A, Ceccarelli G, Bartoli A, et al : Short- and medium-term outcome of robot-assisted and traditional laparoscopic rectal resection. JSLS 2009 ; 13 : 176-183.
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15) Yang Y, Wang F, Zhang P, et al : Robot-assisted versus conventional laparoscopic surgery for colorectal disease, focusing on rectal cancer : a meta-analysis. Ann Surg Oncol 2012 ; 19 : 3727-3736.
16) Kim JY, Kim NK, Lee KY, et al : A comparative study of voiding and sexual function after total mesorectal excision with autonomic nerve preservation for rectal cancer : laparoscopic versus robotic surgery. Ann Surg Oncol 2012 ; 19 : 2485-2493.
P.151 掲載の参考文献
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5) Kim JY, Kim NK, Lee KY, et al : A comparative study of voiding and sexual function after total mesorectal excision with autonomic nerve preservation for rectal cancer : laparoscopic versus robotic surgery. Ann Surg Oncol 2012 ; 19 : 2485-2493.
6) Leong QM, Son DN, Cho JS, et al : Robot-assisted intersphincteric resection for low rectal cancer : technique and short-term outcome for 29 consecutive patients. Surg Endosc 2011 ; 25 : 2987-2992.
P.163 掲載の参考文献
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2) 長谷川傑, 篠原尚, 松末亮, ほか : ポイント画像で学ぶ腹腔鏡下低位前方切除術 内側アプローチから外側アプローチ 脾彎曲の授動を含む. 臨外 2012 ; 67 : 238-245.
3) Choi GS, Park IJ, Kang BM, et al : A novel approach of robotic-assisted anterior resection with transanal or transvaginal retrieval of the specimen for colorectal cancer. Surg Endosc 2009 ; 23 : 2831-2835.
4) 長谷川傑, 篠原尚, 松末亮, ほか : ポイント画像で学ぶ腹腔鏡下低位前方切除術 直腸の切離・吻合操作. 臨外 2012 ; 67 : 676-684.
5) Memon S, Heriot AG, Murphy DG, et al : Robotic versus laparoscopic proctectomy for rectal cancer : a meta-analysis. Ann Surg Oncol 2012 ; 19 : 2095-2101.
6) Park SY, Choi GS, Park JS, et al : Short-term clinical outcome of robot-assisted intersphincteric resection for low rectal cancer : a retrospective comparison with conventional laparoscopy. Surg Endosc 2013 ; 27 : 48-55.

各論 IV. 肝胆膵

P.179 掲載の参考文献
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P.185 掲載の参考文献
1) 堀口明彦, 宇山一朗, 伊東昌広, ほか : 胆道領域におけるロボット支援腹腔鏡下手術. 胆道 2011 ; 25 : 645-650.
2) Himpens J, Leman G, Cadiere GB : Telesurgical laparoscopic cholecystectomy 〔letter〕. Surg Endosc 1998 ; 12 : 1091.
3) Giulianotti PC, Sbrana F, Bianco FM, et al : Robot-Assisted laparoscopic extended right hepatectomy with biliary resection. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A 2010 ; 20 : 159-163.
4) Chan OC, Tang CN, Lai EC, et al : Robotic hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery : a cohort study. J Hepa tobiliary Pancreat Sci 2011 ; 18 : 471-480.
5) Jayaraman S, Davies W, Schlachta CM, et al : Getting started with robotic in general surgery with cholecystectomy : the Canadian experience. J Can Chir 2009 ; 52 : 374-378.
6) Breitenstein S, Nocito A, Puhan M, et al : Robotic-assisted versus laparoscopic cholecystectomy ; outcome and cost analyses of a case-matched control study. Ann surg 2008 ; 247 : 987-993.
P.191 掲載の参考文献
1) Horiguchi A, Uyama I, Miyakawa S : Robot-assisted laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci 2011 ; 18 : 287-291.
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6) Melvin WS, Needleman BJ, Krause KR, et al : Robotic resection of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech 2003 ; 13 : 33-36.
7) Vasilescu C, Sgarbura O, Tudor S,et al : Robotic spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy. A case report. Acta Chir Beig 2009 ; 109 : 396-399.
8) Narula VK, Mikami DJ, Melvin WS : Robotic and laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy. A hybrid approach. Pancreas 2010 ; 39 : 160-164.
9) Giulianotti PC, Sbrana F, Bianco FM, et al : Robot-Assisted laparoscopic extended right hepatectomy with biliary resection. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg TechA 2010 ; 20 : 159-163.
10) Waters JA, Canal DF, Wiebke EA,et al : Robotic distal pancreatectomy : Cost effective? Surgery 2010. (Epub ahead of print)
11) Horiguchi A, Uyama I, Ishihara S, et al : Robot-assisted laparoscopic pancreatic surgery. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci 2011 ; 18 : 488-492.
P.202 掲載の参考文献
1) Daouadi M, Zureikat AH, Zenati MS, et al : Robot-assisted minimally invasive distal pancreatectomy is superior to the laparoscopic technique. Ann Surg 2013 ; 257 : 128-132.
3) Kang CM, Kim DH, Lee WJ, et al : Conventional laparoscopic and robot-assisted spleen-preserving pancreatectomy : does da Vinci have clinical advantages? Surg Endosc 2011 ; 25 : 2004-2009.
4) Giulianotti PC, Sbrana F, Bianco FM, et al : Robot-assisted laparoscopic pancreatic surgery : single-surgeon experience. Surg Endosc 2010 ; 24 : 1646-1657.
7) Waters JA, Canal DF, Wiebke EA, et al : Robotic distal pancreatectomy : cost effective? Surgery 2010 ; 148 : 814-823.
P.213 掲載の参考文献
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4) Waters JA, Canal DF, Wiebke EA, et al : Robotic distal pancreatectomy : cost effective? Surgery 2010 ; 148 : 814-823.
5) Zhou NX, Chen JZ, Liu Q, et al : Outcomes of pancreatoduodenectomy with robotic surgery versus open surgery. Int J Med Robot 2011 ; 7 : 131-137.
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各論 V. 麻酔

P.222 掲載の参考文献
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5) Phong SV, Koh LK : Anaesthesia for robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy : considerations for laparoscopy in the Trendelenburg position. Anaesth Intensive Care 2007 ; 35 : 281-285.
6) 藤井優佳 : ロボット手術の最近の動向. 臨麻 2011 ; 35 : 825-832.
7) Haas S, Haese A, Goetz AE, et al : Haemodynamics and cardiac function during robotic-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy in steep Trendelenburg position. Int J Med Robot 2011 ; 7 : 408-413.
P.228 掲載の参考文献
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3) Jeong-Yeon H, Won OK, Hae KK : Detection of subclinical CO2 embolism by transesophhageal echocardiography during laparoscopic radical prostatectomy. UROLOGY 2010 ; 75 : 581-584.

