
出版社: 医薬出版
発行日: 2016-08-25
分野: 基礎医学  >  医動物(寄生虫)
ISBN: 9784990673949
電子書籍版: 2016-08-25 (初版第1刷)

5,280 円(税込)


3,168 円(税込)


  • 腸内フローラのダイナミズム







    講演4 ヒトマイクロバイオームからの診断バイオマーカーの探索:

    講演5 前立腺がん予防に関するイソフラボン代謝腸内細菌




特別講演1. 生物間にわたる内分泌系 : 心血管代謝疾患の発症における腸内細菌由来の内分泌物質の役割

P.11 掲載の参考文献
18) Gao Z, et al. : Butyrate improves insulin sensitivity and increases energy expenditure in mice. Diabetes 2011, 58 : 1509-1517
32) Koeth RA, et al. : Intestinal microbiota metabolism of L-carnitine, a nutrient in red meat, promotes atherosclerosis. Nat. Med. 2013, 19 : 576-585
33) Koeth, RA et al. : γ-butyrobetaine is a proatherogenic intermediate in gut microbial metabolism of L-carnitine to TMAO. Cell Metab. 2014, 20 : 799-812
52) Cypress AM, et al. : Activation of human brown adipose tissue by a β3-adrenergic receptor agonist. Cell Metab. 2015, 21 : 33-38
75) Ito M, et al. : Disruption of Stard10 gene alters the PPARα-mediated bile acid homeostasis. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 2013, 1831 : 459-468
77) Musrati RA : Malate dehydrogenase : distribution, function, and properties. Gen. Physiol. Biophys. 1998, 17 : 193-210
80) Choi JH, et al. : Thrap3 docks on phosphoserine 273 of PPARγ and controls diabetic gene programming. Genes Dev. 2014, 28 : 2361-2369
81) Katano-Toki A, et al. : THRAP3 interacts with HELZ2 and plays a novel role in adipocyte differentiation. Mol. Endocrinol. 2013, 27 : 769-780
83) Xavier MA, et al. : Phosphoglucomutase is an in vivo lithium target in yeast. J. Biol. Chem. 2001, 276 : 37794-37801
86) Carter JR, Kennedy EP : Enzymatic synthesis of cytidine diphosphate diglyceride. J. Lipid Res. 1966, 7 : 678-683
87) D'Souza K, et al. : Distinct properties of the two isoforms of CDP-diacylglycerol synthase. Biochemistry 2014, 53 : 7358-7367

特別講演2. 肝硬変と腸内細菌 : 臨床の側面から

P.26 掲載の参考文献
33) Wiest R, Chen F, Cadelina G, et al. : Effect of Lactobacillus-fermented diets on bacterial translocation and intestinal flora in experimental prehepatic portal hypertension. Dig Dis Sci 2003, 48 : 1136-1141
35) Chavez-Tapia NC, Tellez-Avila FI, Garcia-Leiva J, et al. : Use and overuse of proton pump inhibitors in cirrhotic patients. Med Sci Monit 2008, 14 : CR468-72
36) O'Leary JG, Reddy KR, Wong F, et al. : Long-term use of antibiotics and proton pump inhibitors predict development of infections in patients with cirrhosis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2014.
43) Aggarwal R, Goel A, Sarangi AN, et al. : Effect of lactulose administration on gut microbiota in patients with liver cirrhosis. Hepatology 2014, 60 : 382A

講演1. 食物繊維由来腸内細菌代謝産物, 短鎖脂肪酸とエネルギー代謝

P.33 掲載の参考文献
12) McNelis JC, Lee YS, Mayoral R, et al. : GPR43 potentiates β-cell function in obesity. Diabetes 2015, 64 : 3203-3217

講演2. 肥満により増加する腸内細菌の代謝産物による肝癌促進機構

P.43 掲載の参考文献

講演3. 腸腎連関 : 腸内環境と腎不全の相互作用

P.51 掲載の参考文献
1) Vanholder R, De Smet R : Pathophysiologic effects of uremic retention solutes. J Am Soc Nephrol 1999, 10 : 1815-1823

講演4. ヒトマイクロバイオームからの診断バイオマーカーの探索 : 結腸直腸がんの事例

P.59 掲載の参考文献
5) Qin, J., et al. : A human gut microbial gene catalogue established by metagenomic sequencing. Nature 2010, 464 : 59-65
10) Qin, J., et al. : A metagenome-wide association study of gut microbiota in type 2 diabetes. Nature 2012, 490 : 55-60
17) Khanna, S., et al. : A Novel microbiome therapeutic increases gut microbial diversity and prevents recurrent Clostridium difficile infection. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2016.
19) Handelsman, J., et al. : The new science of metagenomics : revealing the secrets of our microbial planet. The National Academies Press, Washington, DC, 2007.

講演5. 前立腺がん予防に関するイソフラボン代謝腸内細菌

P.68 掲載の参考文献
10) Lukaczer D, Darland G, Tripp M, Liska D, Lerman RH, Schiltz B, Bland JS : Clinical effects of a proprietary combination isoflavone nutritional supplement in menopausal women : a pilot trial. Altern. Ther. Health Med. 2005, 11 : 60-65
12) Jackson RL, Greiwe JS, Schwen RJ : Emerging evidence of the health benefits of S-equol, an estrogen receptor β agonist. Nutr. Rev. 2011, 69 : 432-448
18) Akaza H, Miyanaga N, Takashima N, Naito S, Hirao Y, Tsukamoto T, Fujioka T, Mori M, Kim W, Song JM, Pantuck AJ : Comparisons of percent equol producers between prostate cancer patients and controls : case-controlled studies of isoflavones in Japanese, Korean and American residents. Jpn. J. Clin. Oncol. 2004, 34 : 86-89
33. 辻ら. 2015. エコール産生能の測定方法. 特願2015-212768

